Monday, February 28, 2011

Law School Outings

Super Bowl 2011 (11)

A fab shot of the boys at the Super Bowl game

I swear that those kids never actually do any studying.

But I know that’s not true. Because during exam times, I hardly get to see my husband except when I bring him food so he can actually sustain all those studying hours.

In just the month of February, we have been to:

  1. A Blues game
  2. On-campus arena for a basketball game
  3. Old on-campus arena for a rousing game of floor hockey
  4. Engaged couples’ apartment for a Super Bowl party
  5. Karaoke at a local dive bar
  6. The Rep to see the Scottish Play

Plus a ton of coffee shops so me and the hubs could study together.

I just wish I had their energy!

Floor Hockey (19)

Speaking of floor hockey, this is husband’s shirt for the law school softball team. He wore it to play floor hockey this weekend. We’ve been talking about what to call him on the blog and he suggested this nickname. I vetoed it because the abbreviation would be BS. Am I right on that one? We still haven’t agreed on a blog-appropriate nickname.


  1. I laughed out loud when I saw that shirt. You are right though, BS is probably not a good one.

  2. Great shirt! And how nice that your husband and classmates play as hard as they work!

  3. February had a lot of fun law school events! We had a good one too. Let's try to bottle this up and remember it in April/May :)

  4. That is too funny! I'm so glad they are around to give us a good laugh every once in a while!
